

Grab a blanket big enough for all your friends and head to any one of these great San Francisco picnic locales during your next visit.

贝博体彩app有两样东西很丰富:开放空间和 delicious food. 这使我们的城市成为野餐的理想之地. Here are our favorite places where you and your gang can gather for a terrific outdoor meal.

Alamo Square Park

Steiner St. & Hayes St.

The abundant lawns and flowerbeds make Alamo Square Park a natural place to have a picnic. 因为它在山上,你可以看到美丽的景色 Painted Ladies and downtown. 除了风景如画的美丽, Alamo Square Park features many things to do after your picnic: a tennis court, walking trails, and a kid's playground.

Battery East

Lincoln Blvd.

19世纪70年代建造的覆盖着草的土制防御工事, 炮台东部提供原始的景观 Golden Gate Bridge and the Pacific Ocean. The picnic tables located off the parking area from Lincoln Boulevard in the Presidio 邀请所有访客逗留片刻.

Crissy Field West Bluffs

Long Ave. & Marine Dr.

This quiet stretch of shoreline in the Presidio is the gateway to San Francisco. 西崖和东海滩野餐区提供海湾野餐桌. 克里西菲尔德不仅以风帆冲浪而闻名, but it also offers some of the most remarkable views of the Golden Gate Bridge. 克里西菲尔德只是普雷西迪奥许多野餐的好地方之一.

Picnickers sit on the grass at Alamo Square Park with the Painted Ladies and San Francisco skyline in the background.

Dolores Park

18th St. & Dolores St.

This is one of the sunnier parks 在贝博体彩app,有绝佳的视野和观赏人群的绝佳机会. 在多洛雷斯公园有大量的娱乐活动,而且是100%的 dog-friendly. 这里有15英亩的土地,草坪茂盛, 一个有令人印象深刻的40英尺滑梯的儿童游乐场, tennis courts, a basketball court, 还有贝博体彩app市中心的美景.

East Fort Baker

601 Murray Cir., Sausalito

Just below the northern end of the Golden Gate Bridge and Vista Point lies East Fort Baker. This secluded recreation area with views of the bay is often sunny when the western park areas are fogged in. The grassy parade grounds and coastal bluffs of East Fort Baker combine to make a protected picnic spot that is out of the wind. While it's a perfect spot to picnic, you can also take advantage of its proximity to the Bay Area Discovery Museum历史悠久的炮台卡瓦洛,还有一个钓鱼码头.

If the sun's out, expect San Francisco locals to flock to Dolores Park to picnic

Golden Gate Park

Between Fulton & Lincoln from Baker St. to Ocean Beach

公园很大,但其中一个更好的游览地点是 Botanical Garden,到处都是来自世界各地的植物、树木和鲜花. Just know that out-of-towners have to pay an admission fee (but it’s worth it). Blue Heron Lake is another lovely picnic spot, especially if you're planning to host a larger group. There's a dedicated picnic area with a set of eight tables and two BBQ pits that can be reserved to make picnicking a breeze. While you're there, you'll want to rent a paddleboat from the boathouse and explore the lake.

Mt. Tamalpais


金门大桥和马林海岬以北仅15分钟路程. Tamalpais' summit is less than a half-mile high—but the mountain rises almost straight up from sea level and offers 360 degree views of the entire Bay Area and west to the Pacific Ocean. 这个公园有许多停车场, trailheads, 风景优美的俯瞰和两个驾车野餐区与日间使用的设施.

Ocean Beach

Great Highway

海洋海滩是野餐和海滩活动的热门地点. The 3.5-mile stretch of white sand makes it perfect for kite-flying or a game of frisbee. 不过,野餐并不局限于白天. Fire pits are available along Ocean Beach, making bonfires a fun nighttime activity. With respect to the Ocean Beach Fire Program在美国,火灾只允许在3月1日至10月31日上午6点之间进行.m. to 9:30 p.M, 25人或以上的团体需要获得许可证.

Palace of Fine Arts

3601 Lyon St.

There's no more beautiful setting for a picnic than the Palace of Fine Arts. Admire this San Francisco treasure while watching swans drift across the lagoon. 虽然它有开放的草地供孩子们玩耍, it also offers an element of romance for those looking for a charming picnic date spot.


朗伯德街的码头入口. & Lyon St.

The Presidio's Main Post lawn is always a favorite spot to gather with fellow park-lovers or lay out a blanket with your small group of friends. And the Presidio also features other sites that are perfect locations for picnicking in the park—some with views, some near beaches, 还有一些森林角落是观察大自然的理想场所. 目前还没有野炊桌, 公园里有很多空地可以让你舒展筋骨. 如果你想冒险,试试其中的一个 pop-up food vendors 在隧道顶部或主要游行草坪,每周七天开放.

Tilden Regional Park

2501 Grizzly Peak Blvd., Orinda

Across the bay and atop the Berkeley-Oakland Hills lies Tilden Regional Park. 登上海景步道,可以欣赏到壮丽的景色. Eucalyptus and Monterey pine trees line the trail that runs south from Inspiration Point off Wildcat Canyon Rd. 可从伯克利乘汽车或AC公交到达 BART station.

Washington Square Park

Columbus Ave. & Union St.

这里面总有很多值得关注的地方 North Beach park, from tai chi classes to old Italian guys shooting the breeze on a bench. Established in 1847, Washington Square Park was one of the city's first parks. 同时也是野餐的好去处, it's also known for hosting free movies nights and is bordered by many cafes and restaurants that are worth exploring.

Yerba Buena Gardens

750 Howard St.

You can have a picnic right in the middle of the city at Yerba Buena Gardens. 这是一个完美的地方,逃离城市的喧嚣,午休. 许多游客在马丁·路德·金纪念馆附近野餐. Memorial, where you can find a peaceful waterfall and revel in the park's history and culture.

Yerba Buena Gardens
Yerba Buena Gardens was the first “public gardens” for all San Francisco residents and visitors.

Carol High
Carol High

Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, food & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and The Skyline View (Skyline College). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, nonprofits, and government. She lives in San Francisco with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.

Il Golden Gate Bridge al tramonto con un cielo multicolore e la Baia di San Francisco in primo piano.
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