
Where to Eat
In Union Square


Union Square is at the very heart of downtown San Francisco. 家到许多土地和商店和餐馆, Union Square is a frequent destination for visitors. 这也是贝博体彩app许多最好、最多样化的美食选择的家. If you're planning to visit San Francisco soon, 看看我们在联合广场的几家餐厅的治疗清单.

Bartlett Hall

242 O'Farrell St.

Located right in the heart of Union Square is Bartlett Hall. 这是最重要的,但并不枯燥,在他们的大量电视上有美味的食物和持续的体育娱乐. If you aren't sure what to get, we recommend the Bartlett Burger, a delicious sandwich complete with caramelized onions, garlic chive aioli, 严格地说,其他美味的成分你必须尝一尝才能相信. Their lounge area is also filled with overstuffed chairs, 你可以在那里闲逛,看比赛或等待你的桌子.


603 Bush St.

Above the Stockton Tunnel, you will find Bouche, a small, cozy French bistro and wine bar. Bouche的团队致力于寻找新鲜的当地成分, 用法国葡萄酒与食物搭配的明显选择. 他们的奖品固定菜单(55美元)改变取决于季节. There is a modern, 然而,我觉得这是两对或一群朋友的完美结合. Sit indoors or outdoors in their heated parklet.

Del Popolo

855 Bush St.

Del Popolo 这是贝博体彩app最受欢迎的披萨店之一, 许多停泊在常规的基础上,以欣赏他们独特的艺术风格创作. 对于那些想要更多传统披萨的人来说,他们有严格的选择.

E&O Kitchen and Bar

314 Sutter St.

A neighborhood institution that's always reliable, E&O Kitchen and Bar serves Asian dishes with bold and exciting flavors. 对两种室内和户外用餐方式开放,就像接受和交付一样好,E&O提供从生酒吧到灌篮的一切, noodles to satay, and even specialty burgers. 厨房里的行政厨师Sharon Nahm和酒吧后面的Ace Chon, patrons are in excellent hands. 不要错过他们的欢乐时光,星期二到星期六,从3到6页.m.

John's Grill

63 Ellis St.

Do not miss John's Grill for either lunch or dinner, served daily. 自1908年以来,他们一直为贝博体彩app的名人、游客和当地人提供服务! 约翰的烧烤对牛排、海鲜和浓鸡尾酒很重要. Their signature dish is the Sam Spade's Lamb Chops, 奥托尔·戴斯勒·汉梅特最著名的文学作品的名字. 

Kin Khao

55 Cyril Magnin St.

Kin Khao is one of the crown jewels of Union Square. This popular Thai restaurant has earned a Michelin star, and if you ask San Franciscans, 他们会不假思索地告诉你,金豪已经收到了. 当他们有一长串传统泰国菜的时候, the chef at Kin Khao isn't afraid to experiment. The menu is loaded with innovative fusion dishes as well.

Le Colonial

20 Cosmo Pl.

Le Colonial 这是联合广场东南亚洲的一个地方. 从金枪鱼生牛肉片到沙拉酱,菜单上的一切都是新鲜而真实的. If you aren't sure what to order, speak with the server, 只要他们高兴地建议你尝试很多美味的东西.


501 Geary St.

Tratto is a simple and casual family-style Italian joint. 如果你心情不好,吃点血腥玛丽的早餐, or pizza and some Italian soda, try Tratto for breakfast or dinner. 另外,他们每周二到周六都有欢乐时光,从4:30到5:30.m. 它的特点是简单的餐厅和伟大的如果你期待快速吃饭和移动到下一个活动.

This is just a small sampling of the many delicious restaurants in Union Square. 我们强烈地记得你在附近散步,看到一家餐馆叫你出来——你不会被疏远的.

Carol High
Carol High

卡罗尔是全球听力覆盖旅行的数字马克创造媒体丰富内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, food & 喝酒,户外体验,跨文化讲故事. 她的工作是在《贝博体彩app》和天际线视图上找到的。. Before travel writing, 她的职业背景包括在国际商业中工作, nonprofits, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她城市的公园探险, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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